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About Us

We are two ARMY sisters who got curious and decided to give the theory a shot with our combined thoughts, Unfortunately we have recently joined the fandom ( August and October 2018) and became a huge fans for the amazing seven talented men, therefore we weren't lucky enough to elaborate our speculations  or thoughts earlier, We even wanted to wait a little bit more but with Webtoon offering clues on weekly basis we decided maybe it's time to show our theory since it matched a lot of the things that were already mentioned …..We hope to offer an explanation to what we think is the key behind the well-made MV's of BTS and we're sorry if we ever post something that might not be a 100% percent accurate but we will always try our best!
We would like to point out that due to our daily routine (I (R.O) is trying to keep up with her job along with her masters and  (H.H) just started a new job), it's a bit challenging to maintain our weekly update, so we would like to offer our apology for any kinds of delay that might accrue in the future. Our Main target is to offer you an accurate theory.
Thank you for understanding!

About The Website

This website will be divided into different sections, and we will dedicate a section for the main Theory. 

Every MV that we believe is related or adds to the theory will be explained separately, then we will do our best to point out how it's relevant to the theory as a whole. 
As we all know multiple factors can affect the theories, sometimes we receive a new hint, Comeback or even a new Webtoon chapter, so naturally we might change some of the thoughts if we find it necessary but we will make sure to point it out, and we will rearrange the Albums whenever we update the website. 

Lastly, the theory would be represented in different colors, the black for the main common theory, but since we don't share every single thought in the world, we agreed to disagree sometimes, so if we have different opinions we will simply share both and you can feel free to pick whatever suits your taste, each separate opinion will be underlined and the nicknames RO or HH will be written before it. 

Also we need to point out that we received a lot of support and notes from our fellow ARMY friends, so we decided to mention their initials for whatever thoughts they mentioned as a Thank you for helping us getting more clarity and we will try to give credits if we got hints from anyone too

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