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Blood, Sweat & Tears

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

The Wings era has a different concept from the HYYH. The intro of this album is J-Hope’s “Boy meets evil”, which is the answer to the sentence that appeared in the end of ‘Save Me’ MV.

To be honest we found no one who was interested in ‘Save Me’, but the fact that the word Save me was repeated as a logo along with ‘I’m fine’, not to mention the dance that combined both songs and the name of the Weebtoon, we thought we should take a closer look into the evidence that was given in the end of ‘Save Me’ MV, which was directly followed by Wings Album (if the Japanese Album Youth was excluded).

We will skip the intro and 7 short films (for now), but we will explain some concepts and symbols that were mentioned in them. Boy Meet’s Evil clearly shows that 'Hoseok' knows he made a sin or a mistake that he would pay for, maybe for the rest of his life, because of his uncontrollable greed and that he didn’t want to let go of the devil’s hand (despite the fact that ‘IT’ is too bad and evil but it’s too sweet).

We somehow concluded that 'Jin' made a choice, a wrong one, and made contract with the devil and now all of them must pay for it…. We will explain this in further details later. Please Notice: 1. We know for sure that 'Jin' gets multiple chances to go back in time. This time 'Jin' chose to fix the past in a different way.

2. One more thing about this MV, Is that it has a lot of symbolism from Demian by 'Hermann Hesse', everyone already knows that from the quotes that RM said in the beginning of every short film.

3. In Wings, ''Jin' changed the paring of the members.

In the Notes and MV’s one can realize that the ones close to each other were 'Jungkook' and 'Yoongi', 'Jimin' and 'Hoseok' and lastly 'Namjoon' and 'Taehyung'. Yet, in the end of the short films and Blood, sweat and tears, the pairing has definitely changed to be 'Jungkook' and 'Namjoon', 'Taehyung' and 'Hoseok', 'Jimin' and 'Yoongi'.

It’s most probably because 'Jin' realized that going on with the original pairing won’t save them. Also we know from the notes that 'Jungkook' felt guilty and though that he was the reason for 'Yoongi’s' suspension from school, and that 'Taehyung' thinks 'Namjoon' abandoned him ( In ‘Stigma’ short Movie) , and finally 'Jimin’s' health got worse after watching 'Hoseok' dance or may have collapsed many times while being with him, and so when 'Jimin’s' mother met him at the hospital she ill-treated 'Hoseok', and 'Jimin' never showed up in school again ((HYYH) Hoseok-15 September Year 20).

'Jin' decided to change the pairing, hoping for a better result with their friendship and destinies. The pairing doesn’t only appear in Blood, sweat and tears MV, but also at the end of each short film.

In the begging of the MV, 'Jin' stands in front of ‘The Fall of the Rebel Angels’by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, and he's watching closely what happened to those angels who sinned and rebelled against god, eventually they all fell to despair and never got what they wanted after making the wrong choice, just like him. One more thing to notice is that to the right and left of 'Jin' are 2 doors, one of them is black and the other is white, they refer to two choices: good and evil, but clearly he chose evil.

In Demian, Emil was caught between good and evil, which is represented in the light and dark realms.

The neon sign behind 'Yoongi' says ‘The Tempter’, which is another evidence to the devil, who they made a contract with. Maybe the whole idea behind them acting so sexy specifically in this MV is that they were already defiled.

Since the MV started, there are a lot of Greek statues everywhere; it’s an indication for Greek mythologies that would appear in the MV.

First, 'Jungkook' and 'Namjoon' In 'Jungkook’s' scene, the painting behind him is ‘The Lament of Icarus’ by Herbert James Draper. This painting shows Icarus after his death. Icarus is the craftsman Daedalus’s son, and although Daedalus warned his son from flying to high close to the sun and due to his curiosity he ignored his father, which resulted his death. Later on, representations of 'Jungkook' flying with no wings but feather’s around him, and the candle’s wax are also related to Icarus and how he lost his wings.

From our own point of view, the Hyungs knew stuff that the Maknaes don’t. In the Notes, 'Taehyung' mentioned that he found out a lot of mistakes that 'Jin' did, yet 'Namjoon' always defended 'Jin'.

We believe that 'Namjoon', 'Hoseok' and 'Yoongi' knew (either the contract that 'Jin' made with the devil or that they time traveled many times before, or both) eventually, the Hyungs knew something that the rest didn’t. But for some reason, their reactions are different. It’s obvious that 'Yoongi' was trying his best to hide it from 'Jimin' and stop him from knowing, while on the other hand 'Hoeseok' and 'Namjoon' were trying to tell 'Taehyung' and 'Jungkook'. As for the Maknaes, all through the MV 'Jungkook' and 'Jimin' were really curious to know, yet there was no sign for 'Taehyung’s' reaction (for the time being).

One more thing is that in Demian, we know that every character had a mentor. So the pairing was one Huyng who has knowledge teamed up with a Maknee who is ignorant, referring to the fact that he would educate/ give him knowledge. ' Jungkook' at first was hanging from the swing; he looked like he was flying like Icarus. He's obviously curious and wanted to know all along, he even tasted one drop of the beverage 'Namjoon' was drinking. Bonus: He is wearing a shirt that has wheels on it, a symbol of going in never ending circles. 'Namjoon' is shown drinking green beverage is ‘Absinthe' (Absinthe became associated with violent crimes and social disorder. Absinthe makes you crazy and criminal, provokes epilepsy and tuberculosis, and has killed thousands of French people. It makes a ferocious beast of man, a martyr of woman, and a degenerate of the infant, it disorganizes and ruins the family and menaces the future of the country. L'Absinthe, by Edgar Degas, 1876

One more thing that we need to point out is the bird figure that was shown on multiple occasions, Awake, Blood sweat and Tears in both Korean and Japanese MVs. The bird is also inspired from Demian's tale, It's name is Abraxas, a figure of god that represents both good and evil according to Demian (Also will be elaborated in specific details when we introduce our understanding of both Blood, Sweat and Tears's Japanese version and the short movies) .

Second, 'Taehyung' and 'Hoseok' 'Hoseok' had Michelangelo’s Pieta (which depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion). There are two reasons for the presence of this statue. The first is the association of mothers with 'Hoseok'. The second is that in the last chapter of Demian, he mentioned that Emil saw a symbolic event of villagers being swallowed in a god-like figure that looks like Eva (the word represented in 'Hoseok’s' circle in the end of his short film). Then the figure turned into Virgin Mary giving birth to people who became stars. This scene is a metaphor for old people and world should end for a new era and new better people to be born.

'Hoseok' is shown on a throne like chair in water, which probably refer to god’s throne, as mentioned in multiple religious books (probably related to Eva’s statue and the new world’s creation behind him) He is throwing an arrow that (later and in the Japanese version) would hit 'Taehyung'. We think this is 'Hoseok’s' way of revealing the truth or getting 'Taehyung' into the contract with them (or stopping him because clearly there is a dark secret behind 'Taehyung’s' dark wings). 'Taehyung' was shown under a cover almost most of the MV, like he is being covered, or something is covered from him (the truth).

The next scene is for the members in a garden, again with a symbolism from Demian. This garden represents the Garden of Eden, where the apples represent the first sins of Emil. The Sin is curiosity and going against god. Now it’s the seven of them with ‘Jin’ at the head of the table, leading them to the sin, when he heard/ felt something.

Third, 'Jimin' and 'Yoongi' During the transition between the room where 'Jungkook' and 'Namjoon' are and the strange looking room that has 'Jimin' and 'Yoongi' is a sign saying: Chatroom 2,3. This strange looking room is identical to the setting of a movie baring the same name (Chatroom, 2010). Chatroom is a thriller drama movie about a group of teenagers who encouraged each other to do wrong actions, OR, the main character gave advice thinking he was helping them but it turned out to be wrong and almost ruined their lives. Bonus: the main character had black wings in the movie.

In this scene, 'Jimin' is holding the sin fruit and wants to have a bite, yet 'Yoongi' has a blindfold that he wanted to use to prevent 'Jimin' from knowing.

the Next scene 'Taehyung' jumped of the balcony's fence, and the background , again, is ‘Landscape with the Fall of Icarus’ however painted by a different artist, In this one the artist expresses how everyone went on with their daily life and no one realized Icarus suffering and death. One thing should be noticed that once 'Taehyung' Jumped, everything became dark. (on stage: prologue as ‘Jin’ mentioned in the notes: Love Yourself: 結 Answer- Seokjin 11 April YEAR 22, when he said he woke up thinking everything was fixed until the moment 'Taehyung' jumped when they went to the sea and the mirror broke again and the day was repeated because it was a fatal mistake). Only when 'Taehyung' covered ‘Jin’s’ eyes then removed them, he was able to see the devil (the black wings).

The Piano that 'Yoongi' plays is a piece called ‘Passacaglia’ by ‘Buxtehude’. In Demian, however, he used to learn organ not a piano (the sign of 'Yoongi’s' fear throughout the theory).

RO: However, for some reason I think this scene imitates a nebula or a black hole just like those in DNA MV. RO: One more thing I can’t drop is the fact that the members are running towards a door with a shining background. The only ones who didn’t go to the light were 'Jin' and 'Taehyung'; however this choice affected all of them, even though they chose the realm of the daylight.

The next scene is controversial. The act that it was going to be 'Yoong'i who would cover ‘Jin’s’ eyes (but was changed later due to 'Yoongi's' acting) is disturbing. However we do think that 'Taehyung' was the last to know the truth (will be elaborated in more details in the Japanese version) One more thing is that 'Taehyung' somehow caused a huge damage in events when he jumped (again Love Yourself: 結 Answer- Seokjin 11 April YEAR 22). That’s why we believe it was a 'Taehyung' action that is the key in this MV, maybe the whole theory.

The next scene, while ‘Jin’ was walking, it appeared that he was the one who has the black wings, as a metaphor for the contract he was about to make. The second ‘Jin’ kisses (accept) the devil; everything is ruined for the rest of the members. 'Hoseok’s' water splashes, 'Jimin' unfold his eyes (as if they are not needed anymore) also it should be noted that the devil’s statue’s RIGHT eye had colored tears while 'Jimin’s' LEFT eye had the tears (maybe to announce that they share something with the devil now). The statue behind 'Hoseok' is destroyed too.

'Jin' then walks to a mirror with a Dutch quote above it mentioning: “one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star" by the German philosopher 'Friedrich Nietzsche', from whom Demian was greatly inspired.

At the end of the MV, ‘Jin’ is shown in front of a mirror. The interesting part is that the mirror doesn’t reflect reality. The museum as seen before is bright while the background in the mirror is black. One more thing is that it wasn't an identical reflection but there were two types of flowers, the original flower is lily (Symbol of friendship) into a Celosia-Plumed cockscomb flower which symbolized Affection, singularity, silliness. From a Greek prospective (if it’s related), there was a purple flower that rose from Hyacinth’s blood, so it represents death. However, ‘Jin’s’ face cracks in the end, we believe it’s either because he must break to create a better destiny, or because his soul was broken after the contract he made.

Conclusion: Blood, Sweat and Tears is mainly a stage for the boys, together they were able to overcome the tragic events and struggles they had all faced during (The most beautiful moments of in life).

But due to his ignorance 'Jin' forgot that everything comes with a price, he might have saved his friends form a tragic ending but they ended up facing more challenges and struggles, their own demons that they can't run from …. Both metaphorically and literal

Throughout the whole MV and as we explained, all of them are trying to gain knowledge thinking it's for the better good, only to realize that they ended up being sinners, turning from mere people with an angelic purposes to rebels who tried to change their human fates and going against their written destiny… Just like the rebel angels .

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