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Carl Jung: Persona, Ego, Red Book & Black Book

First, About Carl Jung

Carl Jung established analytical psychology. He advanced the idea of introvert and extrovert personalities and the power of the unconscious.

Jung's childhood was further influenced by the complexities of his parents. His father, Paul, developed a failing belief in the power of religion as he grew older. Jung's mother, Emilie, was haunted by mental illness and, when her boy was just three, left the family to live temporarily in a psychiatric hospital.

His first achievement was to differentiate two classes of people according to attitude types: extroverted (outward-looking) and introverted (inward-looking). Later he differentiated four functions of the mind—thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition—one or more of which predominate in any given person. The results of this study were embodied in Psychologische Typen (1921; Psychological Types, 1923). Jung’s wide scholarship was well manifested here, as it also had been in The Psychology of the Unconscious.

Second, The relation between Jung and BTS

There were many references and pieces of evidence about Jung in BTS MVs and songs

It started in album LY: Tear where masks were shown in the Fake Love MV and songs like The untold truth. The whole idea about people hiding their true personalities behind the 'Persona' they need to show to everyone, while it's only what everyone can see on the surface. But only a few may have connected TEAR era with Carl Jung's ideas. It was not until the name of the album Map of the soul: Persona was announced loud and clear that ARMY started to look it up to find a Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's division of the individuals.

After reading more into it, ARMY discovered that, for Jung, the elements of the personality are: the Self, the Persona, the Shadow and the Anima/Animus. That was, in fact, shocking, because after the comeback, and to work more on the theory, we had to RE-WATCH some MVs and bombs. Guess what, EGO was everywhere. One of the BOMBS even wrote Carl Jung before Ego, and the Bomb's name was ' [BANGTAN BOMB] Where is BTS going? (Hint: RM’s comeback trailer) '. It was even written in Run MV, when they were all taking a photo together...

While everyone fought and speculated about the title of the next album, whether it was Ego or Shadow, BTS surprised everyone by announcing that the new album's name is Map of the Soul: 7.

News time over? Now theories time...


Previously mentioned above, but Persona is a Latin word that literally means ‘MASK’. BTS has been wearing masks since Fake Love. Taehuyng even wore a mask in Singularity too.


Evidences about the color RED popped out of nowhere, but some ARMY realized it. J-Hope changed mics to start using a red mic instead. He also changed his outfit from white to red. They even gave us a hint at MMA on December 1st in 2018, when RM had a tattoo 'I'm Red'. Jimin also wore an 'I'm Red' shirt before.

Conclusion, RED is an evidence.


Jung wrote many books, one of them is called The Red Book: Liber Novus. The red book (vol 7)'s intro has this quote: “The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious”. So we do speculate that IT MAY BE RELATED to EGO.

The red book is a collection of SEVEN other books that Jung wrote. Basically, Jung used to write down his imaginary experience of confronting himself in notebooks, with a total of SEVEN notebooks. They are called the Black Books (because the covers of 5 of the 7 books are black while the other 2 are brown). After finishing all of the 7 books, one RED book collected all of them, in addition to OTHER content. The other part of the Red Book is 'Seven Sermons', which was the only part that Jung shared during his lifetime and it's still unclear why he included 'Seven Sermons to the Dead' as the index of his Red Book.

As for Seven Sermons to the Dead, Jung announced that this part is originally written by Basilides, an early Christian Gnostic religious teacher of Alexandria of Egypt (177 to 138 AD).

Speaking of churches, for those who don't know, the floor and walls from Fake love are identical to those of Chapel of Souls, Porto Cathedral in Portugal. (Fake love will be discussed in details later)

And does Gnostic ring a bell? If one searched for it, ABRAXES. If this doesn't ring a bell, check Blood, Sweat & Tears. Abraxas was also represented in the wallpapers covering the walls of 'Awake' by Jin, as he got out of the room; the pattern was that of Abraxas. The painting of a bird escaping the egg is also another form of Abraxas.

We are still working on it, but both Jung and some Gnostics believed in alchemy (which is also an exchangeable technique).

Updates will be added whenever we reach another conclusion...

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