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1-I Need You

Updated: Mar 7, 2019

Despite having a lot of important points that are related to the theory, I Need You MV seems to be so underrated, that's why we decided to pay attention to every single detail and point it out in an organized form:

-1st We will introduce every member's problem (according to both MV and what was already mentioned in the Webtoon)

-2nd Explanation of the MV itself

-3rd Main idea behind all the scenes and it's relation to the theory

-4th The accurate timeline of events (also according to the MV and the Webtoon and the Notes)

1) The member's problems:

1- Yoongi

'Yoongi's' Mum, who had a piano that 'Yoongi' used to play, died in a fire. Some said that the one who set fire to the house was actually her.

In HYYH 25 June Year 20 note, 'Yoongi' said he threw away the only piano key that he took from his old house out of the window (when he got suspended from school) and promised himself he would never play the piano again.

One more thing is that 'Yoongi' and ' Jungkook' used to play the piano together, but when their friendship ended, the piano would appear on many occasions. 'Yoongi's' fear is represented in the fire (lighter) and the piano.

2- Hoseok

When 'Hoseok' was young (year 10 in the Notes), his mother took him to a theme park, gave him a chocolate bar and asked him to count to ten, claiming they were playing hide and seek. When he opened his eyes, she was already gone and left him behind. He was raised in an orphanage, and never got over this fact. He always thought about his mum and searched for her face regularly among the crowds. One day at school when his teacher asked him to count in the Math class, and before reaching 10, he remembered what happened to his mum and collapsed.

'Hoseok' suffers from Narcolepsy (Disorder that affects his sleep and wakefulness, these sudden sleep attacks may occur during any type of activity at any time of the day). He is shown collapsing on more than one MV and so he was hospitalized a lot.

'Hoseok's' fears are represented in Sneaker's chocolate bar, theme parks, Medicine and Eva (women, mums, Female colleges..etc)

3- Namjoon

"If anyone asked if it’s a crime to be poor, everyone would say it’s not. But is that really the truth? Poverty gnaws on so many things. Things that were precious become meaningless." ( Love Yourself: 轉 Tear -17 December year 21 note).

'Namjoon' came from a very poor family that lives in the countryside. He left the house of his father's illness and his mother's tired face and wondering siblings. He works in a gas station, where he would encounter many troubles with his customers. Some of them would throw him money and he would feel very humiliated.

He would commute from work to a library and read a lot of books. He is the type who would reflect a lot to find himself, always stare at himself in the mirror.

Out of his sense of responsibility, he would help 'Taehyung' and keep him in check, but at some point they both lost contact and so he would be represented next to a (locked) telephone box.

'Namjoon's fears are represented in mirrors and telephone boxes.


When 'Jimin' was young, he went to a field trip to an Arboretum. He didn't listen to the teacher and left the group of students and their parents and walked for a very long distant in heavy rain until he found himself in an abandoned storage place (that's everything note Love Yourself: 轉 Tear: 6 April year 11 mentioned)

But in the Webtoon Save me ep.9, when Jimin put his head in a sink filled with water and remembered that day, there was blood. Maybe he witnessed some sort of an accident or murder, but probably it's related to water or aquarium/bathtubs).

Ever since that day, 'Jimin' gets seizures and is hospitalized and transfer schools a lot. His parents kept him in the hospital for years and almost erased his whole existence for years, even the rest of the members knew nothing about him for 2 years.

Jimin's fears are represented in water/ bathtubs.


(In the Notes, year 10) 'Taehyung's' father returned to the house. Where Tae said he was very happy to see him (it probably means that his father was away for a while).

His father turned out to be a drinking addict which makes him abusive towards Taehyung and his sister. Giving 'Taehyung' the urge of being a protective person, so he would be nothing like his father.

Unfortunately, 'Taehyung' subsequently turned to be a rebel who draws graffiti and is occasionally arrested for it, but he didn't seem to care.

However 'Namjoon' was always there for him , bailing him out when his own father didn't care. This made 'Taehyung' rely so much on 'Namjoon' and seek his help whenever he faces any troubles. And would constantly call him for help.

'Taehyung's' fears are represented in graffiti, spray can and cell phones.

6- Jungkook

'Jungkook' was a shy and introvert boy who had no friends until he met the other members. We can trace the reason back to his mother who got remarried (No Mention of 'Jungkook's' father so far). 'Jungkook's' step father along with his step brother would occasionally abuse him.

In the Webtoon Save Me ep.3 , 'Jin' was shown visiting 'Jungkook's' house in an attempt to find him but his mother knew nothing about his whereabouts, she even showed no concerns whatsoever, in this MV, 'Jungkook' was represented after he left his house.

(Notes, Year 20) 'Jungkook' mentions another problem. He and 'Yoongi' skipped class, unfortunately they were both caught by the principle who hit 'Jungkook', so 'Yoongi' punched the teacher in an attempt to protect 'Jungkook' which led to his suspension. 'Jungkook' always felt guilty, thinking that everything that happened with 'Yoongi' was his fault.

For us, 'Jungkook's' fears are a little obscure. But probably it's his friends/ people and sense of weakness and bullying.

7- Jin The reason why we left 'Jin' till the very end, is that he is the key to everything. 'Jin' returned from USA and his father took him to the school where he used to study. It was clear from the start that the principle was very strict about school rules. On a specific day and for random reasons all the members broke different rules and they were all detained and ended up being friends. They even created their own hide out/secret place.

(Note 'Love Yourself: 轉 Tear -20 March year 20), and (Love Yourself: 轉 Tear-12 July year 20) After keeping an eye on them for a while the principle realized that they were skipping classes together and forced 'Jin' to spill out their secret, and that's how 'Jungkook' and 'Yoongi' were discovered and how Yoongi was suspended, and so their friendship gradually ended.

After 'Jin' made this horrible mistake they started to depart gradually, all the member's lives were ruined.

Some of them committed suicide and others were hospitalized (it will be discussed in details in this MV).

Since he always felt guilty and wanted to make things right, the second 'Jin' got the chance to change the past to reunite them, he did.

In the Webtoon ep.1, 'something' offered 'Jin' a way to make things right, but he never knew the effect of changing the past would get this far.

2) MV's Explanation

This MV starts with Jin holding Lily's petals. Lily symbolizes purity, youth, rebirth and funerals.

Every symbol of these is strongly connected to our theory. Lily's have 6 petals ('Jin' is holding them) and it's pistil (heart/ core that holds the flower together) is not there, probably cause it symbolizes 'Jin' himself.

Later on 'Jin' would burn these petals and travel back in time. In the shooting of this MV, RM mentioned that it revolves around youth and the good times you have despite troubles when a person is young, the thing is, they are not that anymore and they're not even friends even friends. We do believe that every time 'Jin' returns in time, he gets more involved in problems and with this devilish solution (check Blood, Sweat and Tears MV's explanation) the darker it gets for all of them.

One more thing is that some of them would be brought back from death after changing events, that might also be a reason why the Lily's are mentioned since it's connected to funeral and rebirth.

'Jungkook' left the house and wondering aimlessly in the street

'Taehyung' was sent by his dad to buy him a drink

'Jimin' in the bath tub burning a paper/photo. The next scene with the album title will be exactly repeated in another MV later..

'Yoongi' alone in a motel room ( which is mentioned in the Webtoon) with a lighter. according to the Weebtone ep.6. He is probably drunk and keeps turning the lighter on.

Hoseok is shown searching among medicine, finally he picks one and over-dose

'Namjoon' is working in the gas station

Some of the following scenes show the members having fun together while others for each member alone.

3) The Main idea behind all the scenes and it's relation to the theory

The main theory of this MV is that 'Jin' remembers the past, when they were young and happy, with no cares or worries. But after he time traveled many times, he can now see what happened to each member and how miserable they became after separating.

All the scenes of them together and enjoying their time, is in the past that Jin remembers.

That's what happened to each member separately after breaking up ( as known from the MV, notes and the Webtoon) Yoongi sets fire to the room he was staying in.

Hoseok is alone and got a Narcolepsy attack and collapsed in the street, and was hospitalized.

'Namjoon' had a fight with one of the customers and as result he ended up in jail (not shown in this MV though, it was only shown in the Webtoon).

In this MV Namjoon however was shown struggling with the ill-treatment of his customers).

Also we need to point out how gradually his carefree character changed into an adult when he threw the lollipop that turned into a cigarette.

'Jimin' had many seizers (and was hospitalized, didn't see his friends for 2 years and his parents almost erased his whole existence)

'Taehyung' once got home to find his dad abusing his sister. So he was caught up in a moment of anger, grabbed a glass bottle and hit/killed his father. (Warning violence/blood scene).

(Notice: how 'Jin' cried after he saw/ found out that 'Taehyung' stabbed his father , as if he already saw what happened to each member as he time traveled a lot already)

'Jungkook' ran into some bullies who ended up hitting him in an abounded alley. Due to the beating he received and after feeling so helpless, he decided to head to the rooftop and thought about suicide (as mentioned in the Webtoon. The second photo is an alternative event and will be discussed later. But both of them happened.).

While 'Jin' was represented in all scenes time traveling only or burning the flower petals. We know from the Webtoon that when he crouches in pain in bed and open the curtains it symbolizes time traveling.

4) The accurate timeline of events (also according to the MV and the Webtoon and the Notes)

They met in detention and became friends and enjoyed their time of youth.

They principle finds out, Yoongi gets suspended, they gradually stop being friends and stop supporting each other and it ruined their lives.

'Jin goes back in time to try to fix what happened and bring all of them together again. And every time he fails, it damages all of them.

Please Note:

These events didn't occur on the very same day, from what we could conclude from the MV, Notes and the Webtoon chapters, we were able to draw a timeline and we tried to make it as accurate as we can.

Here's the chronological order of the each member's unfortunate event




(All 3 were on the same day, End of April)



(after April and Before 15th of May)


(On May 15th)

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