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Prologue: Butterfly MV


1- Summery of BU

2- Meaning of 'Butterfly effect'

3- Summery of ' I Need You'

4- 'Butterfly' explanation

(Note: may contain sensitive or triggering content)

1- Summery of BU

The story of BTS Universe (BU) is about 7 friends coming from different backgrounds and are facing multiple circumstances. They were fine while being together because they either kept each other in check or out of troubles and danger. It wasn't until one day Jin unintentionally ruined everything and therefore they drifted apart while Jin left to America leaving everything behind. Years later after returning to Korea, he found out that all of his friends had a terrifying fate or fatal problem. Feeling responsible for it, he 'somehow' was able to turn back in time to make things right.

But the problem was that he failed every time, he had to return back in time too many times. Eventually, he was able to save all of them, either in person, or by triggering a friend to save another till the chain ended by saving all of them. But then they had to pay for it.

2-'The Butterfly Effect' definition:

"The flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. While this may not generally be the case, it's a good example of the butterfly effect, or the idea that tiny changes in complex systems can cause huge effects."

In time traveling, if one changes one thing in the past, it simply changes the future as well. Even if it's just a flip of a butterfly's wing, the differences will occur and the future will change. 'Butterflies' were chosen because they could offer so little effect in the world, so in a way, it's a penetration that even when the smallest changes take place it might have a huge impact

In case of changing something during time traveling, If someone is granted a chance to travel in time, time interval would be divided into two parallel lines:

-The original timeline

-The second one that's been affected by the changes that were made

In regards of BU, Jin decides to use his abilities once he figured them out to help his friends, who from his prospective ended up suffering because of him.

According to the original order that's been stated in the Webtoon, MVs and some notes, we're going to state both line intervals, the original one and the one that Jin had a hand in

First, he saves Namjoon

Original: Namjoon fights with one of his customers and as a result he's sent to Jail.

Affected: Jin manages to save Namjoon by stopping him from punching the man he originally had a fight with, therefore, he didn't end up in jail.

Since no one actually succeeded in traveling in time, hypothesis says that both points on two different timeline go one parallel to each other, and are called parallel universes, where both cases and their results keep on going forever, however they have different outcome and therefore different developments

Assuming, in timeline 2, Jin didn't manage to save Jungkook after saving Namjoon, so he went back in time to save him too. In that case the second time line would break into two points too.

Original: Jungkook commits a suicide.

Affected: Jungkook is stopped before he jumps off the building

And so on...

In the Webtoon, that's exactly what happened, the events just keeps repeating. Jin was trying every time to save them all, but he always fail to find the right patterns. Eventually, by the end of the Webtoon, he was still unable to save them. In the Webtoon, a line read as " The locations ( of each member) keeps changing because Jin keeps changing the past". It's not that none of that happened, it's that ALL OF TOOK PLACE , but in different timelines and parallel universes, and therefore different results.

The Notes also shows a lot of conflicts, one goes come and forth by the dates, sometimes same dates with different contradictory events, which is simply the result of different time traveling and change of events that happened multiple times.

If 'Ro', didn't miss count, there were 13 timelines, parallel universes in the Webtoon alone. Each one of them ended up differently because Jin changed the way he tried to save the members each time.

The Prologue butterfly was marking the first time that Jin was actually able to save them, and that's when the story starts.

Most of the MVs, Webtoon and notes are showing the same idea, different scenarios and comparisons between what happened and what would have happened, but the most important MVs to emphasize this idea were: 'I Need You', 'Butterfly' and 'Euphoria'.

3- Summery of ' I Need You'

'I Need You' is simply the ORIGINAL TIMELINE, everything the boys faced and how they ended up BEFORE Jin traveled in time and save them.

On April 11th year 22:

-Namjoon got into a fight, and ended up in jail because he couldn't afford to settle it.

-Jungkook got into a fight, got beaten up and jumped off the roof of an abandoned building.

-Yoongi was drunk and sets fire to his hotel room

On May 10th year 22:

Hoseok faints on a bridge from Narcolepsy (he didn't die though)

On May 12th year 22:

Jimin filled the bath tub to commit a suicide.

On May 20th year 22:

Tae gets caught and ended up in jail after killing his father

That's a simple and fast timeline for what happened in 'I Need You' regarding the timeline with the help of the notes.

4- 'Butterfly' explanation

As we mentioned above 'Butterfly' is the world when JIN ACTUALLY MANAGED TO SAVE ALL OF THEM FOR THE FIRST TIME.

After Jin was able to stop Namjoon from beating is client, he saves Jungkook, Yoongi from committing a suicide. Days later he helps Hoseok by taking him to the hospital after collapsing and he was able to get Jimin out of the hospital, THE only thing that remained intact was Taehyung killing his father (which happened in 'I Need You').

According to the Webtoon, Taehyung is sent to prison after killing his father (WEBTOON EP.1) which is the original timeline,Taehyung was caught back then and sent to prison as a result.

After Jin saves the other five however, Taehyung decides to escape and call Namjoon so he can meet them one last time…

Note:This MV, according to the notes took place from 20 to 22nd of May year 22, which is the day Taehyung killed his father

In the next points we will explain everything about the MV along with the flow of events

1-The Name:

'The word Prologue' means: Introduction that establish a background story before the main work( drama, play, music) begins. While butterfly was explained in details above.

2-The MV starts (on may 20th) Taehyung appears with blood on his hands and clothes after killing his dad (evidence will be discussed in details later in 'Euphoria'), and if one concentrates, time flies by as he hid (probably in the container where he used to hide when he fought with his dad). The light and darkness that reflects on his face, along with the morning birds singing is an indicator that he stayed there for almost a day.

He then calls someone (probably Namjoon, since they he's the closest to Taehyung on the story, at least at that point) asking him to see his friends.

3- (On May 21st) All boys fulfill Taehyung's wish, of course none of them knew about his crime, Jin is the last to join but he too seems to believe that everything is okay. The boys hang out as they used to do when they were younger.

Note:Jin is recording everything on his camera, on min. 3:09 the butterfly actually flies backwards ( in reverse motion as if going back in time).

4- By the end of May 21st, Tae climbed a building, as if he's planning the next day (Just like the end of the video. It probably shows the guilt he must have been feeling after killing his dad or because he knows it's their last time together ).

5-At night, they make a campfire. Namjoon wrote "We must survive", just like he did at school before leaving the town to get back to his parents on 15th of May year 20.

6- They went to the gas station with Jin's black car, the one he started using since he returned from America (another indication it's their second time of going to the sea and not the first one that happened 12th of June year 19). While HoseoK bought food, the hyungs had a picture together. Afterwards, they sleep in the car by the sea.

7- (On May 22nd) Jungkook is the first to wake up and Yoongi joins him, things do seem a bit awkward ( after everything that happened between them in the notes and the Webtoon) but they shake it.

Later they wake the other to enjoy the view, Taehyung then climbed a guard-tour secretly until the others notice him. Everyone warns him and waved for him to get down, but he decides to give them one last look before Jumping.

After this MV, Jin tried to save them again and would continue trying since he changed the future by changing the past. Every time he fails he gets back to the same point.


'Butterfly' presents how the future changed (butterfly effect) when Jin saved them after the misfortune events in the webtoon and 'I Need You'.

However it's because of that Taehyung escapes to meet his friends after they have been divided for so long, and as a result he commits a suicide… in other words if Jin didn't save them Taehyung wouldn't have died, he would have been imprisoned.

This marks the first Butterfly effect, Jin might have saved them all but Taehyung was the one to paid for it with his life which originally hadn't been affected in the first line interval

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