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Ego (1st update)

During the MV, J-hope had 4 scenes for 4 different gods/mythologies.

They are Odin, Mithras, Zeus and Aten.


Odin was represented with two ravens, just like these two ravens on J-hopes shoulders. He was associated with wisdom, healing, death, sorcery. And he was considered as the Germanic (Scandinavia) mythology. One of his eyes was considered as the sun while the other was the moon. Odin was also identified with god Mercury (the Greek Hermes god of the unconscious and inner journey). He was represented with two ravens Huginn and Muninn.


Is a Roman mysterious religion that was inspired by Iranian Zoroastrian’s god Mithra. He was represented wearing a hood and killing a bull just like J-hope in the MV those who believed in this religion had 7 main rituals, one of them was to slay a bull and share it with the sun god (Sol/Helios). He was also identified with Helios the Greek sun god. Mithras was also the guide for the soul from earthly life to a higher life. This wasn’t the only cult that had this type of gods that guides the souls from one word to another.


Zeus was the main Greek god and the king of Olympus. He is represented holding a thunderbolt, and one of his symbols is the eagle (Just like J-hope is represented). He was sometimes identified with the sun god Helios or sometimes Helios (the sun) was referred to as Zeus’s eye.


It is an ancient Egyptian god which takes the form of a solar dis with arms stretching ending with hands (behind J-hope to the left). It was one form of the sun god which also has another for ‘Rehorakhty’ that takes the shape of a falcon ( the headdress above J-hopes head). In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun makes a journey every day from the east to the west. Accordingly, the ancient Egyptians would build their houses in the east and bury their dead in the west where the sunsets. They believed that the dead would be traveling with the sun god in his boat to be guided safely to the afterlife.

The only thing left about these four is to find something in common between them. Such gods were called “Psychopomp”. To Ancient civilizations, these were the ones who guided the spirits from this world to the other. One way or another, either directly or not they are somewhat associated with the same thing.

Relation to Carl Jung

The whole idea is related to Carl Jung in more than one way:

1-Synchronicity: which means ‘meaningful coincidence’. It happens when events and evidence that are not related whatsoever eventually makes sense (which is pretty much what BTS are doing in their MVs right now).

2-Psychopomp: was the mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms. Which is the process of getting your hidden thoughts somewhere into the world of things you are aware of. For thoughts to move from conscious to unconscious, they must pass by EGO first.

3-Collective unconscious (read more about it in Shadow): Everything started with Jung when a patient told Jung about a dream that he saw a moving sun, and that it was the origin of the wind. And that he will be followed if he directed his face to the east or west. He didn’t believe her and thought she was crazy, but after 4 years a German historian read the Mithras document and translated it to be the same. The reference to Mithraism and the sun was also associated with sun gods in many ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, Rome and others like Germania.

4-Individuation: This is also pretty much the whole idea, especially after watching black swan (read it here). In alchemy (which was one of Jung’s main studies) for a full transformation, in this case, Individuation, to happen both the sun and moon must be present. EGO is all about the sun. Either the moon is represented in Dionysus (who is associated with the moon) or the moon will yet be shown in the next albums.

We will be updating soon

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