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Carl Jung's Theory of the self's components (Persona, Shadow, Ego)

Carl Jung had many theories and studied psychology from many different perspectives. More than one of these perspectives is connected to BTS. This is the first and most important one:

Jung believed that the human psyche consists of three parts, one conscious and two unconsciousness: The Ego (conscious), the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. According to Jung, the Ego is the conscious which controls us, while the personal unconscious has the memories and traumas that are most probably buried somewhere but affects our behaviors and phobias without even knowing.

The collective unconscious is a unique component in that Jung believed that this part of the psyche served as a form of psychological inheritance. It contained all of the knowledge and experiences we share as a species. This type includes how myths ( for Example Dionysus, which would be discussed in another article).

For Jung, these are the components of the Psyche ( related to BTS up till now):

EGO: The ego prevents us from acting on our basic urges (created by the id) but also works to achieve a balance with our moral and idealistic standards (created by the superego).

(Collective unconscious consists of many components, and he called them archetypes):


Self individuation is a term given by Carl Gustav Jung to explain about the actualization of someone in figuring out who they are. It is a very long journey to

find out one’s self. Jung believes that every person’s development leads to this process. Self

individuation talks about how humans bring consciousness and the unconsciousness part altogether. It can be inferred that everyone struggles to bring ego as the center of

consciousness to the unconsciousness (Self). Therefore, it is concluded that a healthy personality must acknowledge the unity of

the ego (consciousness) and the Self (unconsciousness). The consciousness part is very important since it is related to the outer world. Through this part, we can understand what

happens around us. Meanwhile, unconsciousness is the part we cannot understand easily.

There are five main archetypes which will help the process of the self individuation.

They are “persona”, “shadow”, “anima and animus”, and “Self”.

- The Persona: The persona represents all of the different social masks that we wear among various groups and situations. It acts to shield the ego from negative images. Children learn that they must behave in certain ways to fit in with society's expectations and norms. Persona is often synonymous as hero/heroine. According to Cassement in her book Key Figures in Counseling and Psychotherapy, “The definition of persona is that it represents that aspect of an individual which is in

relation to the outer world. It derives from the Greek word for ‘mask’ and denotes those masks that were worn by actors in performing comic/tragic parts in Greek plays. The less acceptable parts of the personality are kept hidden behind the persona. persona or hero/heroine tries to reveal the fake figure of someone who pretends to be someone which is not himself. It can also be seen in the diagram above that persona always relates to the outer world. The purpose is for the sake of approval or survival of the society or environment. The writer believes that each of individual has something he/she has to deal in life. It leads someone to ‘wear’ that mask in order to be approved in that situation, environment or society. Although it causes him to lie or cheat himself to be someone else. Jung’s theory believes that every human being has his own mask that is not recognized by people except one’s self.

The rise of the acceptance of the social requirements is very important in which it leads people to ‘put on’ the mask. On the other word, people willingly appears to be someone different so they can fulfill the demand of the society.

- The Shadow: Is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings. The shadow forms out of our attempts to adapt to cultural norms and expectations. It is this archetype that contains all of the things that are unacceptable not only to society but also to one's own personal morals and values. It might include things such as envy, greed, prejudice, hate, and aggression. It might appear as a snake, a monster, a demon, a dragon, or some other dark, wild, or exotic figure.

It is the first stage or journey in the process of the self individuation. It is completely different from persona. Shadow reflects the dark side of human being. As we know that shadow depicts the dark or black color, therefore, it actually refers to the dark or evil side of human being. It can be summed up that shadow is “the existence” we should admit. The more people deny its existence, the more it destroys and takes over their personality. Thus,recognizing the shadow is one’s responsibility toward himself.

- The Anima or Animus: The anima is a feminine image in the male psyche, and the animus is a male image in the female psyche. The anima/animus represents the "true self" rather than the image we present to others and serves as the primary source of communication with the collective unconscious. Jung believes that anima and animus is the second stage in discovering the self individuation process.

the anima and the animus is enabled many individuals to accept

themselves as they are and not as they should be according to rigid gender stereotypes. On the other hand, in describing anima and animus, Jung is basically using the established gender stereotypes of his time to define what is female and what is male.”

There are stereotypes made by the society in depicting the characteristic of male and female. Male is characterized as a person who is decisive, bold, argumentative, responsible, working hard, etc. On the other side, female is characterized as a person who is gentle, patient, passionate, easy to forgive, etc.

SELF: Self is the center or the deepest part in human unconsciousness. Jung views “the Self as both the center and the totality of the psyche, it has a strong claim to be regarded as the central concept of his entire psychology. The Self is the goal toward which the process of individuation strives” .

Self can also be translated as who we really are or our true self. Human should recognize the self into the consciousness part in order to have a healthy personality. Self appears in a very complex way in our collective unconsciousness. In a dream, there are various symbols which depict a power and figure that looks strange and unrecognized.

*If this is too difficult to understand, let's apply this to an example:

A person who is TOO hungry, watching someone eating a sandwich, you know he/she is hungry too and this is the only sandwich he/she has, but they still offer out of kindness.

-Shadow, basic instincts, would start moving you to go and take the sandwich away and eat it because you are hungry. ( this is not evil, it's pure instincts especially if you are hungry) -Ego, your conscious, would stop you from stealing/take the sandwich. ( because we all know the difference between right and wrong, and it's up to each one's conscious of how to react) -Persona, unconsciously, would fake a smile and refuse the treat and say you are not hungry. That's how your actions decide your self/ personality, without even knowing why or how this happened, because sometimes it's our unconscious that moves us around.

Persona by RM had a very confident vibe. the MV showed a big figure of him, people listening to him as he talks.

somehow, they are trying to say that this is the image that we show to everyone, but inside it's different...

The Interlude: Shadow, was the exact opposite, as they exposed their Shadow ( basic needs as they debuted) by wanting to be rich, famous, stars...etc. But as they got further and shined brighter, when they came back to their senses they became ashamed of the way they used to think Technically speaking, one shouldn't be ashamed of his shadow, because (according to Jung) all humans are born with the same mindset. everyone wants to be perfect, rich, safe and the best.

(please note that our major is NOT psychology or related to it whatsoever. If you think any of the above info. is wrong, don't hesitate to contact us) y ( which is also an exchangeable technique).

Some of the paragraphs are credited to the original writer: Yohana Febry Chris Suprapto.

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